Fire door retainers, also known as fire door holders, use a magnet to hold open heavy fire doors that will release in the event of a fire.

There are many reasons why you may need to hold open fire doors:
– Accessibility
– Ventilation
– During busy times
Fire door open is dangerous and against the law along with our other fire door retainers (also called fire door holders), offers a safe and legal alternative: holding your fire door open in normal day-to-day operation and releasing it to close should a fire occur.
Fire doors play a key role in the fire safety and protection of people and buildings covered by The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. They are specifically designed to prevent smoke, heat and toxic gases from spreading around a building during a fire.
Used correctly, fire doors will restrict a fire’s development, limit the amount of oxygen available to the fire, create a sealed barrier against the smoke and flames and protect escape routes. However, a fire door that has been propped or wedged open will not be able to close and the fire will spread rapidly potentially trapping people inside the building. Organisations found propping open fire doors will be in breach of fire safety legislation and can face fines of thousands of pounds and even prison sentences.
A closed fire door is an effective barrier against fire, protecting property and people`s lives. Wedging open fire doors is illegal and dangerous, putting organisations at risk of prosecution and potentially putting lives at risk.
DoorSense is a reliable, high quality acoustic release door hold open device that meets all legal requirements for use in a wide range of environments including sensitive areas such as schools, care homes, etc.
It holds a fire door open in any position but automatically releases the door should a fire alarm sound or at a set time.
Quick and easy to install, DoorSense is an inexpensive device that simply screw fits to the bottom of the chosen door in a matter of minutes with no risk to the fire door`s integrity.
Unlike some competitor products, the rugged casing of DoorSense is flame retardant, whilst the smooth, radiused surface is better at deflecting accidental knocks and bumps than the angular casings of alternative products.
Telephone: London 020 8650 3885 or Kent: 01698 836929